There are many marketing experts who argue that since sending an email newsletter is practically free (per subscriber), you might as well collect as many names as possible.
They argue against asking for anything on your subscribe form beyond an email address. And it’s true that the way to convert the most website visitors to subscribers is to ask for as little as possible.
But, does this approach really serve your audience?

I‘m all for putting photos in your newsletter. In fact, it’s one of the early lessons for Newsletter Spa members–digging in and looking for ways they can make their newsletters more visual.
You’ve noticed I even share photos of my own from time to time, no doubt.
But, when it comes to sharing photos in your newsletter or on your blog, there’s one big mistake you’re probably making.

I‘ve never been one for jigsaw puzzles. I simply don’t enjoy them. But, there is a part of puzzle-putting-together that I do enjoy: putting the last piece into place.
That’s because no other piece in the whole puzzle makes such a difference–once that final piece is clicked into place, the puzzle is complete, and not one moment before.
I had a lot of time to think about my jigsaw puzzle skills (or lack thereof) over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend when I corralled some very lovely volunteers (thank you again!) to help me install a new floor in my kitchen and dining room. Unlike a jigsaw puzzle, those first few pieces did not go together very easily as we were learning how to get it all in place.